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(587) 524-1000

Home » Eye Health » Protecting Your Eyes

Protecting Your Eyes

tennis largeDid you know…

  • Nearly half of traumatic eye injuries relate to ball sports
  • 45% of these occur in children under the age of 14
  • 90% of these are preventable

Polycarbonate is a lens material that is widely used for shatter-and-impact resistant lenses, and when combined with sturdy frame materials, makes for formidable eye protection.

There are hazards of sunlight and bright light that are harder to understand; namely, ultraviolet rays (UV) and Glare (extreme brightness). Protecting your eyes from these distracting, even dangerous elements is equally important to eye protection.


Covid-19 Pandemic Information

We are now FULLY OPERATIONAL FOR ALL TYPES OF EYE CARE including Routine Eye Examinations

Please call the office to arrange for any appointments. All safety protocols are still in place while performing all activities

Thank you.